Raspberry Piで指定したデバイスから画面キャプチャする(2021.7.25)


複数のカメラデバイスがRaspberry Piに接続されている場合にはユーザに選択させるようにしたい。Raspberry Piではv4l2-ctlコマンドの出力を使う。


Raspberry Piに接続されたカメラデバイスのidを特定したい


OpenCVではデバイス番号で指定したカメラをopenして使用します。 ところが、複数のカメラデバイスが存在すると0決め打ちでは思っているのと違うデバイスを掴んでしまうことがあります。

import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

Raspberry Piではv4l2-ctlコマンドを使うと、接続されているデバイスの一覧を取得することができます。
コマンドラインからは以下のように実行でき、手元のRaspberry Pi環境では4つのデバイスが見つかります。しかし、video10以上は呼び出せません。また、同じデバイスでも番号の若い方だけが使えます。

$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices
bcm2835-codec-decode (platform:bcm2835-codec):

bcm2835-isp (platform:bcm2835-isp):

mmal service 16.1 (platform:bcm2835-v4l2-0):

UVC Camera (534d:2109): USB Vid (usb-3f980000.usb-1.4):

pythonからの外部コマンドの呼び出しには、subprocessモジュールを使用します。(v4l2-ctlコマンドはRaspbberry OSにデフォルトでインストールされています)




  1. Check camera devices with the v412-ctl command


  2. Parse the lines

    retのリストを1行ずつlに取り出して(for l in ret:)、空行でなく先頭がタブ\tでない行をデバイス名としてdevicesに記録
    結果としてdevicesは、[デバイス名, デバイスID, デバイスID, … ]のようなリストがデバイスの個数分だけ格納されたリストが入ったものになる。

  3. Sort by device ID

    devices.sort(key=sortsecond)でkeyとして指定している sortsecond = lambda val: val[1]により二番目の要素でのsortを実現。

  4. List active device IDs

    devicesのリストを参照して、list_devicesに[デバイスID数字のみ, デバイスID文字列,デバイス名]のリストとして入れ直す。list_dev_idsには「デバイスID数字のみ」を入れる(その「デバイスID数字のみ」が存在するかどうか後で簡単に確認できるようにするため)

import subprocess

command = "v4l2-ctl --list-devices"

# Check camera devices with the v4l2-ctl command
ret = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
ret = ret.decode("utf-8")
ret = ret.split("\n")

# Parse the lines
devices = []
num_devices = 0
for l in ret:
    if l!="" and l[0]!="\t":
        dev_name = l
        num_devices += 1
    elif l!="" and l[0]=="\t":

# Sort by device ID
sortsecond = lambda val: val[1]

# List active device IDs
list_devices = []
list_dev_ids = []
print("Select a camera devie:")
for l in devices:
    dev_name = l[0]
    dev_ref = l[1]
    dev_id = int(dev_ref.replace("/dev/video",""))
    if dev_id < 10:
        list_devices.append([dev_id, dev_ref, dev_name])
        print(" {:d}: {:<12s} {:s}".format(dev_id, dev_ref, dev_name))
num_active_devices = len(list_devices)

val = list_devices[0][0]    
if num_active_devices > 1:
        val = int(input())
    except ValueError:
        print("Wrong device id")
        val = list_devices[0][0]
if val not in list_dev_ids:
    print("Wrong device id")
    val = list_devices[0][0]

idx = list_dev_ids.index(val)
print("Use {:d}: {:<12s} {:s}".format(list_devices[idx][0], list_devices[idx][1], list_devices[idx][2]))

device_id = val

ここで、sortsecond = lambda val: val[1]をkeyに指定すると、リストのリストの2番目の要素を用いてsortすることになります。

Raspberry Piに接続されたカメラデバイスの解像度の確認と設定



$v4ls-ctl --list-formats-ext --device 1


# フォーマット・解像度・FPSの設定
#cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'))
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('Y','U','Y','V'))
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, FPS)

# フォーマット・解像度・FPSの取得
fourcc = decode_fourcc(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC))
width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
print("fourcc:{} fps:{} width:{} height:{}".format(fourcc, fps, width, height))

“v4ls-ctl –list-formats-ext –device x”の出力例

$v4ls-ctl --list-formats-ext --device 1
    Type: Video Capture

    [0]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)
        Size: Discrete 1920x1080
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.040s (25.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1600x1200
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.040s (25.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1360x768
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.040s (25.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x1024
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.040s (25.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x960
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1024x768
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 800x600
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 720x576
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 720x480
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 640x480
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.020s (50.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
    [1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
        Size: Discrete 1920x1080
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1600x1200
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1360x768
            Interval: Discrete 0.125s (8.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x1024
            Interval: Discrete 0.125s (8.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x960
            Interval: Discrete 0.125s (8.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1024x768
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 800x600
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 720x576
            Interval: Discrete 0.040s (25.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 720x480
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 640x480
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
            Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)

$v4ls-ctl --list-formats-ext --device 0
    Type: Video Capture

    [0]: 'YU12' (Planar YUV 4:2:0)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [2]: 'RGB3' (24-bit RGB 8-8-8)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [3]: 'JPEG' (JFIF JPEG, compressed)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [4]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [5]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [6]: 'YVYU' (YVYU 4:2:2)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [7]: 'VYUY' (VYUY 4:2:2)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [8]: 'UYVY' (UYVY 4:2:2)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [9]: 'NV12' (Y/CbCr 4:2:0)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [10]: 'BGR3' (24-bit BGR 8-8-8)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [11]: 'YV12' (Planar YVU 4:2:0)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [12]: 'NV21' (Y/CrCb 4:2:0)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2
    [13]: 'RX24' (32-bit XBGR 8-8-8-8)
        Size: Stepwise 32x32 - 2592x1944 with step 2/2

Raspberry Piでデバイスを指定して画像キャプチャするPythonスクリプト

完成したスクリプトは次のようになります。 起動すると、ビデオデバイスを調査し2つ以上のデバイスが見つかったら、ユーザにデバイス番号を入力させます。デバイスが1つしかなければ自動で選定し、1つも見つからなければエラー終了します。


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# =======================================================
#  select a video device on Raspberry Pi using v4l2-ctl
#  video_capture_pi_test.py
#  coded by Noboru Harada (noboru@ieee.org)
#  Changes:
#  2021/07/25: First version
#  2021/07/27: Fixed a bug picking an idx
# =======================================================

import sys
import os
import cv2
import subprocess

command = "v4l2-ctl --list-devices"

# Check camera devices with the v4l2-ctl command
ret = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
ret = ret.decode("utf-8")
ret = ret.split("\n")

# Parse the lines
devices = []
num_devices = 0
for l in ret:
    if l!="" and l[0]!="\t":
        dev_name = l
        num_devices += 1
    elif l!="" and l[0]=="\t":

# Sort by device ID
sortsecond = lambda val: val[1]

# List active device IDs
list_devices = []
list_dev_ids = []
print("Select a camera devie:")
for l in devices:
    dev_name = l[0]
    dev_ref = l[1]
    dev_id = int(dev_ref.replace("/dev/video",""))
    if dev_id < 10:
        list_devices.append([dev_id, dev_ref, dev_name])
        print(" {:d}: {:<12s} {:s}".format(dev_id, dev_ref, dev_name))
num_active_devices = len(list_devices)

val = list_devices[0][0]    
if num_active_devices > 1:
        val = int(input())
    except ValueError:
        print("Wrong device id")
        val = list_devices[0][0]
if val not in list_dev_ids:
    print("Wrong device id")
    val = list_devices[0][0]

idx = list_dev_ids.index(val)
print("Use {:d}: {:<12s} {:s}".format(list_devices[idx][0], list_devices[idx][1], list_devices[idx][2]))

device_id = val

# select a camera resolution
res = [
    [1280, 720,  "0: 1280x720  (HD)"],
    [720,  480,  "1: 720x480   (SD)"],
    [1920, 1080, "2: 1920x1080 (Full HD)"]
print("Select resolution:")
print(" %s" % res[0][2])
print(" %s" % res[1][2])
print(" %s" % res[2][2])

res_val = 0
    res_val = int(input())
except ValueError:
    print("Wrong resolution settings") 
    print("Use default resolution setting") 
if res_val > 3 or res_val < 0:
    print("Use default resolution setting") 
    res_val = 0
res_width,res_height,res_str = res[res_val]

print ("Capture with [ %s ]" % (res_str))
print("Type 'q' to quit capturing / Type 's' for screen shot")

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id)

# set video size
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 60)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, res_width)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, res_height)

while True:
    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, frame = cap.read()

    # show the frame
    cv2.imshow("Type 'q' to quit capturing / Type 's' for screen shot", frame)

    key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    if key == ord('q'):
    if key == ord('s'):
        filename = "./photo.jpg"

# terminate resources

